
Kyo Hoon Dojang Etiquette.

1) Always bow when entering or leaving any Dojang (the place where you are training or competing).

2) Always bow when entering or leaving the floor (i.e. first lining up or toilet breaks).

3) No unnecessary talking during any lesson in a Dojang. Only speak to an instructor when spoken to.

4) When speaking to an instructor you should always bow both at the beginning and the end of the conversation. If you have a problem or want to ask a question then you should remain in position, raise your hand and wait to be addressed.

5) Never wander off (i.e. for the toilet or refreshments) at any time without permission. Doing so is considered disrespectful and it could be dangerous.

6) You must inform your chief instructor of any medical conditions you may have that could cause you injury or discomfort during Tae Kwon Mudo lessons and competitions. Any information given will be held in the strictest confidence and only relayed to the relevant people on a need to know basis.

7) Never question an instructor’s methods or instructions (we are all different) during class or in front of other students.

8) If you have a problem with another member of the class, such as excessive force used during sparring, then you should immediately form the chief instructor who will look into the matter and take the necessary action. DO NOT take matters into your own hands.

9) All jewellery (earrings, chains, watches and piercing etc) must be moved before the start of any training session.

10) Whilst in uniform do not fold your arms or put hands on hips. Hands should be rested on the knees or placed behind the back. Students at blue belt and above have failed to grade as a result of doing this.

11) Always abide by the nine KYO HOON virtues which are:

  •  Humility

  •  Justice

  •  Courtesy

  •  Wisdom

  •  Trustworthiness

  •  Goodness

  •  Virtue

  •  Loyalty

  •  Courage

12) Always try your best at all aspects of the martial art, not just the parts you enjoy or are good at. Basics are the building blocks of a good martial artist

Grading Etiquette.

1. No shoes or socks to be worn.

2. No jewellery.

3. Girls white T-shirt under uniform, boy’s bare chest under uniform.

4. When name is shouted student must JUMP UP quickly and SHOUT present sir, BOW then run to their spot.

5. Parents can watch but must remain SILENT through out, no chit chatting or talking to their children.

6. All students must stay until the end of the grading.

7. Students must sit quietly at the back of the hall when other students are taking their grading.

8. All students must show respect for the students grading, by being quiet and not distracting others.


10. Mobiles MUST be turned off at all times.